I know it’s summer when The Deciding Factor’s team expands to include our talented, enthusiastic interns. Yesterday, we welcomed our first 2014 summer intern, Aaron Rachlow. A pre-senior at Cedarville University, Aaron is pursuing a BA in Marketing. He comes to us with three other internships under his belt and an impressive list of academic awards.
As an organization, we have always had the perspective of mentoring the next generation of marketing experts. Aaron joins these ranks. He impressed us with his outgoing personality, can-do attitude, engaging writing style and quick follow up.
The work Aaron is doing over the next three months will be split between writing, research and public relations projects for The Deciding Factor and work for our new company, Decide Sports. Stay tuned for more on this exciting new venture or visit decidesports.com to get the scoop.
A factoid about Aaron – he is staying in his girlfriend’s parents basement for the summer to save money – I call that enterprising, a little crazy maybe, but enterprising none the less.
Welcome Aaron!